From Monday 04.11.2024 at 01:00am to Monday 18.11.2024 at 04:00am
General information
- Direct trains travelling Montreux - Montbovon will be replaced by buses.
- Allières and Les Sciernes stops are served by mini-buses departing from Montbovon station.
- Trains between Montreux - Les Avants and Château-d'Oex - Zweisimmen run according to the usual timetable.
- The timetable for trains between Montbovon - Château-d'Oex has been partially modified. The online timetable has been adapted.
- Connections are not guaranteed, and delays are expected.
- The circumstances do not give rise to a refund.
- Train travels are recommended on the Gstaad - Zweisimmen - Interlaken Ost section and vice versa.
- Train travels on the Montreux - Montbovon or Gstaad section (and vice versa) must be organized by your own.
- Please contact for your booking requests.
- Seat reservations on the GoldenPass Express are only possible between Montbovon and Interlaken Ost.
- There is no guarantee of train composition or seat number.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.